I’m excited today!! My friend Tits is going to babysit for us tonight so the Hubby and I can go out on a date for our 6 year anniversary. May is our wedding anniversary and October is our first date anniversary. Doesn’t seem like it’s been 6 years already. We’re planning on going to dinner and a movie I think. There’s not a whole lot else to do and we don’t want to get home too late since we have to work in the morning and in case Lily wakes up in the middle of the night. Although she slept like a little rock last night. Didn’t make a peep once after she went to sleep. She was really tired though. She’s been driving her daycare lady buggy by only napping maybe an hour a day.
I tried a new recipe last night. I cheated a bit with some of it, but it was a big success with the family and will definitely be one I’ll make again. Here’s the recipe:
Gnocchi with Beef Ravioli Sauce
1 Package Gnocchi
½ Stick of Butter
1 Clove Garlic
1 ½ Cups Milk
1 Can Stewed Tomatoes with Italian Seasoning
1 Can Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli
Over medium heat melt butter and garlic. Add flour to make a rue. Slowly add the 1 ½ cups milk to rue stirring constantly to mix well. Heat through until sauce starts to thicken stirring frequently. After sauce has thickened add 1 can stewed tomatoes and stir. Then add 1 can beef ravioli and stir well. Turn heat down to low and let warm through.
Cook Gnocchi according to package directions and drain. Serve in bowls with beef ravioli sauce spooned over top.
Now then like I said I cheat a bit with using canned ravioli and stuff but it’s a very easy and quick supper to make. All together it took me about 20 mins and most of that was getting the sauce the way I wanted it. The Gnocchi are amazingly quick to cook. The package isn’t kidding when it says done in 3-4 minutes. And this is a recipe you can do so much with. I think it would be good with kicking up the sauce a bit and making it a bit spicier and adding shrimp or some other seafood. I found another recipe that called for adding cream cheese to the sauce at the end with an immersion blender. Also when it comes to adding your milk to your rue I’ve found it works out best if the milk is close to room temperature. It combines with the rue better and doesn’t cause as many lumps as cold milk does. It made great finger food for Lily. She just loved the Gnocchi.
Well kiddies I suppose I should quite slacking off and do my job. Hope everyone has a great day/night! I will be back tomorrow to regale you with the story of our night out tonight. :P
Awesome. Enjoy your date, and congrats on your anniversary.
I wish *I* had a friend called "Tits". If only for the fact that I would giggle like a loon every time I said, "Hey, Tits! What's shakin'?"
Man, I'm a friggin' FATHER now. I gotta grow up...
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