Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It’s still fucking cold and dreary! This weather has been bummed out and I don’t like it. But supposedly tomorrow we are supposed to get a glimpse of sunshine before more rain and possible snow. Oh well, I’m sure soon it will be hotter than hell and I’ll be wanting cool weather.

I hope everyone’s Easter weekend went well. Ours went pretty good. Thursday we drove an hour to drop Little Guy off with his Grandparents (the Egg Donors parents). We were very reserved about whether he would go and once we got there we knew why we had such a bad feeling about it. His Grandparents have been raising his two little brothers (ages 4 &2) for the past two years, but low and behold the fucking idiots gave them back to the Egg Donor. What is wrong with these people?!! Back in December they wanted nothing to do with her, now she’s all sunshine and roses in their eyes again. Or at least her mothers. So we were not happy with that surprise being dropped on us the way it was, then to top it off his Grandmother starts getting bitchy with us about him seeing the Egg Donor and telling us how we need to do something about visitation with her. I don’t think so! She’s the one that’s only been around for a combined total of 2 years of his entire 6 year life span. She’s the one that chooses to let her boyfriend beat him, she’s the one that let him smoke weed and showed him how to roll a joint when he was 4, she’s the one that only uses him when it benefits her in some way. If she wants visitation she’ll have to take us back to court and fight us for it at this point in time.

The other part of this drop off that I was not crazy about was being pregnant. I am definitely showing now that I’m 5 months along. But I wore an oversized coat because I would prefer that they didn’t find out until they had to that I was pregnant. This for the simple fact that the Egg Donor threatened a couple years back to have me beaten up/stabbed if I ever became pregnant. Anyway, this big coat pretty much hid the fact that I am pregnant. But the minute I stepped out of the car his Grandmother says “So are you expecting?” So I came clean and said “yes”. She replies “I thought so. Little Guy told us back in December when we had him that you were.”

Okay I was only two weeks along when they had him last, he didn’t know we were trying, he didn’t know about the miscarriage, he hadn’t been talking about wanting brothers or sisters and….we didn’t tell him about this one until the end of January. So the question that’s going through my mind is “How the fuck did you know?” It would have made more sense to me if the coat I was wearing didn’t cover everything up. Now I feel like there’s this spy running around somewhere.

But against our better judgment we still let him go with them for the weekend. While he was gone we enjoyed going out in public without having to worry about him, we went and saw the movie “Meet the Robinson” which is a wonderful Disney movie and just enjoyed it being just us. But of course the entire time we were still worrying about him to no end.

Finally Sunday rolls around and we drive an hour again to meet them and get him back. We were fully expecting the Egg Donor to be there and have to deal with her bullshit. But after waiting on them for 45 minutes they finally pulled up. Thank God it was just Little Guy and his Grandpa. We would much rather deal with his Grandpa most of the time. He just drops him off and most of the time is as sick of the Egg Donors shit as we are. But he gave Little Guy a hug and kiss and we were on our way back home. It was very relieving. We haven’t even asked any questions about his weekend. We never do. We know Little Guy well enough that if he wants to talk about something he will. Every time he comes home and he’s had to see the Egg Donor at all he’s always very quiet and has an empty look to him. He did tell us one thing that pissed me off to no end.
Easter is the weekend his Grandparents have taken him the past two years to celebrate not only Easter with him but also his birthday since it’s later in the month. Well on Sunday he got his Easter/Birthday present….clothes, his little brother that’s always been held on a higher pedestal got….a brand new bike. And they wonder why we get pissed off. There’s nothing like reminding a child that everyone else is still more important than he is. Stupid fuckers anyway. But at least he’s home and safe.

I will have to update more happy things later in the week. I’ve run out of time at the moment and need to get back to work. Hope everyone has a great day/night!!!


At 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still think she's going to drop off the face of the earth, or end up buried under it pretty soon. She's just the type to burn herself out.

At 9:36 PM , Blogger Steph said...

God what a nightmare. I really feel for that poor little boy.

At 1:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write something new, like the fact that it isn't cold anymore.


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