Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Okay, I think we are all slacking on our posts. :P I am still trying to decide where the month of October went and why it is already Thanksgiving. This year has gone so fast it’s not even funny. Our plans aren’t really huge for Thanksgiving. We’re going to be home for Thanksgiving Day then we’re going to my G-ma Nutt’s house on Friday where instead of turkey we will be having steak. Don’t get me wrong I love steak but this is a new one to have it for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m used to the good old stand by’s of turkey and ham. But other than the steak we will still be having all of the old favorites at G-ma’s. Stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, probably something with cranberries and of course her wonderful banana pudding.

This brings up yet another thought of mine. I do not understand why I chose to start a diet two weeks before some big holiday where I have no choice but to gorge myself into a gravy and pudding oblivion (maybe I just like food I don’t have to chew lol). But I started a diet about a week and a half ago which is going pretty well, that is until Friday. But I guess technically I can consider it a weekend. I am not at strict with my diet on the weekends as during the week. So there I have decided since Friday is the start of the weekend any food I eat then or thereafter will not count against me. Sounds good to me.

I honestly don’t have anything of importance or entertainment to share in this post. Life has been pretty uneventful (which is always fine for me) and my mind cannot turn out an actual sentence much less a story at the moment. My weekend went well. The Husbands who will now be referred to as Tim (his real name since he now is a reader of this blog “hi honey!”) best friend, Bart, came down from South Dakota. We all did some shopping on Saturday and Tim and I got some really good ideas of what to get the Little Guy for Christmas. Have I ever mentioned I miss being a kid? Those little boogers get all the cool stuff! LOL Then Sunday we went bowling at our local bowling alley in Minden. There by some miracle I actually beat everyone in our first game of bowling and came in second on the last game. So after all of the shopping, bowling, video games, movies and eating Monday came along. I am really starting to hate Mondays again like I did when I was in school (don’t miss that part of being a kid). But tomorrow is Wednesday and it’s actually like my Friday since I have the rest of the week off. So ha-ha to anyone who has to work those days and everyone have a Happy Turkey Day!!!!


At 6:48 PM , Blogger Faris said...

hey, enjoyed your holiday. enjoy the steak and all the things you'll gorge. have bean sprout also, hehe, goes with all the meat you'll be enjoying.

i wish i had a holiday too. so much i could do. for instance, i could sleep for nine hours instead of just six i sleep everyday. i could skip my breakfast, stay in bed drinking coffee, reading a book, watching tv. the list is endless. damn...i envy you.

happy thanksgiving

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I hate that people think in terms of holidays and diets. A holiday is just one day, and really doesn't mean anything weight-wise in the grand scheme of things. If you are behaving yourself the rest of the time, then just don't worry about the holiday.

At 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not complain. This year was veryt stressful, I won't comment more, but it has been a "bitch of a year".
No excuses, no alibi's, it just has!!

Mr Guinness


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