Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Beer, Pumpkins and Fall

I just read an article yesterday on MSN News that says two drinks a day may help up “good” cholesterol in the bloodstream and minimize heart attack risks in men. Well I am including this for women too. :P They don’t include women anywhere in this article so I will. Now I at least have a viable medical excuse to have a drink or two at night. LOL I thought I would share this viable medical excuse/reason with the rest of you. I’m sharing the wealth so to speak. I thoroughly enjoyed my two Blue Moon beers last night. Now anybody that reminds me of the calories in those is going to get spammed.

Speaking of Blue Moon beer I have noticed that everyone including the beer companies are getting into the Halloween spirit. When I stopped by the store to grab my six pack the other night they had Blue Moon Pumpkin flavored beer. Now all together…..YUCK! As of the past few months I have become somewhat of a beer conesiouer finally realizing why people like beer so much. I like pale ale’s, dark ale’s, lagers etc. I even like the bitter stuff. But pumpkin flavored beer is pushing that limit for me. It probably doesn’t help that I’m not overly fond of pumpkin flavored anything unless it’s pie.

This time of year puts me in a beer drinking mood. I would love to be spending my days down at the local pub with friends just drinking and talking. It hasn’t been exceptionally cold yet here in Nebraska and we’re actually getting to enjoy a short fall this year. All of the trees have been turning wonderful colors and falling off slowly and the days go by lazily. Reminds me of Winnie the Pooh and makes me want to take naps. Someday I do plan on seeing the New England states during the fall. One of my favorite shows when I was growing up was Newhart. The episodes where he owned that inn up in Vermont. It always seemed so lovely up there.

I finally got all of my Halloween decorations out over the weekend (yes I know I’m switching subjects in a scatter brained manner, but I don’t care :P). My neighbors had to get a good laugh at my expense while I was trying to put up those damned cobwebs on the front of my house. They were made out of different material this year and didn’t work as well as years past. The inside of my house still looks like crap (the Husband still hasn’t gotten very far on the kitchen but then again I haven’t gotten very far on the cleaning and organizing thing either.) but the outside of my house is rather festive for me. My neighbors probably think I’m rather odd though. All summer I had a rose bush, one pot of flowers, and 3 flower beds full of weeds. I had a hell of a time with weeds this year and therefore didn’t get anything planted like I wanted to. I also do not have a green thumb. I probably would if I could remember to water anything. It’s a miracle my animals are alive. But now that growing season is over and the weeds have died off for the year I have flower beds to decorate in and make everything look wonderful. Decorating I can do. Right now I have some hay bales with cobwebs draped over them. Pumpkins sitting on those and a little trick or treat Frankenstein yard ornament put out. I plan on getting one of those gigantic goofy 8 foot tall turkey’s for Thanksgiving and getting light up penguins for Christmas. Granted everything will probably look like the Griswold’s house on National Lampoons Christmas Vacation but hey at least I’m doing something.


At 3:09 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Near X-mas, we shall venture to Thunderhead and partake of their seasonal dark beer. Tis nummy and spiced.

And I think that those reports are just about men, and are talking about drinking red wine with your fresh fish, olive oil, and fresh veggie evening meal.

At 3:21 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

I prefer Sweetwater because they have dirty names for their seasonal beers.

May I recommend the Summer Hummer or the Happy Ending?

At 3:57 PM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

Mike: Yes the Thunderhead venture sounds good. And I know what the articles are really getting at. i was just putting a funny twist to it.

Sara: I will have to look for some of those. Thanks for the recommendations.

At 2:04 AM , Blogger Drunken Chud said...

2 drinks a day help? hell, my cholesterol should be 0 over 0 by now. that's how it works right? the more the better? right? right?

At 7:28 AM , Blogger Mr. Guinness said...

Got me in the holiday mood already, not to mention a short dissertation on the merits of beer, albeit Guinness!
Little presssed for time right now, work, life, liberty and the pursuit of (what the hell was I chasing?...guess it's that CRS (Can't Remember Shit syndrome).
Stay tuned for a new fall blog from me tomorrow evening.
Friday night, the wife works til 9:30, I hoist a very does of "colesterhol medication" with the lads at Buster's, then come home and let the mind expand into the keyboard.
Loved this blog, well written!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger Amber said...

Eww!! I can't stand beer.

I only drink "foo foo" drinks. Or, uhm, Crown Royal and Pespi lol.

But to each their own - glad you can handle the stuff!

At 9:45 PM , Blogger Mr. Guinness said...

Ok, I'm jealous!!!
What is the problem with being "internet challenged"?
Suvvy, Thanks for the kind words and consolation. I will survive, but more importantly, what did I learn? (Yes even us oldsters.(duhh 62 is not old damn it!!!)
People are either worth remembering, or not. My friend was worth it! And not just I am in this arena.
But my comment to you is, continue being you, for that's who you are! Share you with us.
You're readers await more of YOU!

At 3:03 PM , Blogger Faris said...

I have a glass of red wine everyday. It's healthy. I dunno about beer but wine definitely is. and it's classy ..ahem. lol

Ok, so you're getting on with your Halloween. Was exciting to read that part.


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