Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Only one more work day this week!! I’m very excited for Turkey Day and my 4 day weekend to get here. I have an enormous Turkey that Tim picked out to cook. The largest turkey I’ve cooked so far has been 12 lbs, this one is 21.5lbs!! It is huge! At first Tim didn’t believe me when I told him I wanted to start thawing it last night. Then he read the packaging and figured it was a good idea. I’m making turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, cheesy broccoli, mashed potatoes, gravy, jellied cranberry sauce (the canned kind :P), apple pie and pumpkin pie. I’m going to be busier than a one armed paper hanger. Tim only gets Thursday off so we are staying home for actual Thanksgiving then Isaiah, Lily and I are headed to my Grandma’s on Friday for a visit. I thought it was time for us to visit her in her natural habitat instead of her coming here. She will be the sweet loving grandma I know and love instead of the cranky travelling gnome she turns into when she’s here. I think Tim will be happy to have a night to have to himself to relax, go out with friends, whatever he happens to do.

In other news I saw New Moon on Sunday with Lisa. The first movie I thought was a bit (ok a lot) cheesy but I still liked it but I was somewhat disappointed with this second one. The cheesiness was stepped up a notch (if that was even possible) and just seemed very awkward in places. I like the story line although I cannot stand Bella! The girl drives me insane! Why Stephanie Meyer decided to make the most irritating, daftly stupid leading character is beyond me. I seriously think the woman gets hate mail because of Bella. At one point I leaned over and asked Lisa “Exactly what about her is supposed to be so loveable?” According to Lisa and others I’ve talked to that have actually read the books Bella isn’t any better in them either. It also doesn’t’ help I don’t like Kristen Stewart. But what the movie lacks it definitely tries to make up for with the yummy shirtless Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Now I’m with Steph on this that yes he’s young but the boy is gorgeous…especially after he cuts his hair. Although I do have a hard time getting past him being Sharkboy from the movie Sharkboy and Lava Girl, I also have issues getting past Robert Pattinson being Cedric Digory in Harry Potter.

I have decided that it is a must that I read this series though. I can’t quite sink my teeth into loving Edward; I am more of a team Jacob person. To me Jacob seems like the better, hunkier choice in the movie. But everyone keeps telling me I will just fall in love with Edward once I read the books. I will still feel bad for Jacob though. Stupid little twit Bella just toys with his poor heart and I don’t think that it’s right. So I guess that’s one thing that’s on my Christmas list this year is this series. I know I could just check them out at the library or something but I enjoy owning books. Now we’ll just see if I get them and if so how long it will take me to read them. So many books, so little time *sigh*

Well peoples I’m off to lunch hope you all have Happy Thanksgivings and great weekends!! Toodles!


At 12:54 PM , Blogger Coffeypot said...

I hear vampires suck.

At 12:17 PM , Blogger Helen said...

busier than a one-armed paper hanger? I like it!

At 12:18 PM , Blogger Helen said...

busier than a one-armed paper hanger? I like it!

At 12:49 PM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

Coffeypot: We're both full of simple puns :P

Helen: I don't even remember how I got started on that phrase, my grandmother who was raised in Tennessee always says it and I think it's even on the movie Steel Magnolias.

At 6:57 AM , Blogger Moi said...

I went to see Teen Vampire II last night and declare it the worst film EVER! I laughed through the last 10 minutes of it, it was that ridiculous. You are right - Bella and Kirstan are both rubbish, I just wanted to climb up to the screen and punch her in the face.

PS. What's green bean casserole?

At 4:10 PM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

Green bean casserole is 1 can cream of mushroom soup 3/4 cup milk 2 cans drained green beans and 1 2/3 cups french fried onions. mix the soup and milk together add green beans and aprrox half of the french fried onions. bake at 350degrees for about 30 minutes or until hot. sprinkle on rest of french fried onions over the top. It's pretty good, I have ideas of how to make it better next time.


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