Friday, October 16, 2009

Is anyone else addicted to Nutella? I’ve heard great things about it for a while now so I decided to buy a jar of it while I was getting peanut butter last night. Along with it I got a jar of Smuckers All Natural Peanut Butter whose only ingredients are peanuts and salt. The peanut butter is good, but I LOVE the Nutella. I’m anxious to have Lily try some tonight. It’s rather healthy for you but a little goes a long way since 2 tablespoons equals 200 calories. I had it on some bread this morning with a glass of milk. It would be awesome on smores too instead of regular old chocolate. It’s always fun to find new things that I love and I know Lily will like it too.

Speaking of things she likes she finally got her first haircut last Saturday. Yes she is 2 years old and just getting her first haircut, but I wanted to give her hair time to grow out. She has fine hair like mine and it hasn’t come in very quickly, but now she is sporting a very cute little bob. She absolutely loves playing beauty shop at home with hair berets and my curlers so you can just imagine her joy when I took her to a real beauty shop. The Hubby went with me and we decided to let her watch me get my hair done first. As I got my hair washed she sat at the next sink over pretending hers was getting washed too and she just thought it was amazing when I got my hair trimmed. When my stylist was taking the cape off of me Lily came over and excitedly said “All done!” and proceeded to kick me out of the chair so she could have her turn. I was worried she would get scared or not sit still once she got up there but she was perfect! The only thing she didn’t really like was the blow dryer, she definitely thinks it’s more fun to pretend it’s blowing air. I love having a little girl and it’s official that my best friend ever is 2 years old. I honestly could not have asked for a better child. Even when she’s being frustrating it’s still wonderful, she has the neatest personality and to know her is to love her.


At 2:39 PM , Blogger Helen said...

she's so cute! And nutella is awesome, but I prefer the white chocolate variants... but I don't buy it because I like it too much and then invariably it makes me sick...

At 2:40 PM , Blogger Helen said...

she's so cute! And nutella is awesome, but I prefer the white chocolate variants... but I don't buy it because I like it too much and then invariably it makes me sick...

At 8:15 AM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

So far I don't think anywhere around here carries the white chocolate versions. I would so love to try it! It's just now becoming a rather popular thing over here. This morning I put natural peanut butter on one half of my bread slice and nutella on the other...perfect combo!!


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