Monday, January 05, 2009

It's My Birthday!!! (Happy Birthday to Me!!)

Well as of 10:30am I am another year older. I am officially 25. Oddly enough this is probably the first birthday I actually feel older. I think it’s just because I’ve attached this unnecessary stigma to turning 25. I’ve started realizing more and more how quickly time goes. But so far it’s been a good birthday…uneventful, but that keeps me out of trouble.

Saturday night Coyote Mike, Tits and I went to the movies and got some dinner and drinks afterwards. I subjected them to the new vampire flick Twilight. While for the most part it was a rather pathetic movie I did enjoy the story line and if you don’t mind extremely cheesy movies with ungreat acting then it’s not too bad. Vampire stories have always fascinated me for some reason. I’d be one of those idiots like the girl in the movie that would fall for a vampire. :P That’s probably why I kinda liked the movie, the guy that plays the vampire the girl falls for kind of grows on you a bit as the movie goes on. He’s the actor that played Cedric Digorey in the Harry Potter movie (the kid that gets killed in the graveyard by Wormtail and Voldemort).

It was nice hanging out with a couple of good friends for the evening. I actually got to see Tits without her ever present boyfriend. After Coyote Mike dropped me off at home I got to play pool with the Hubby. The pool table we had ordered from Sears had finally come in earlier that day and the Hubby had worked hard at getting it all set up. For a cheap table it’s actually pretty nice. Nice flat unwarped surface and it’s level too. It worked out quite nicely for a tight budget.

Last night pool league started up again. The last time I had heard it wasn’t supposed to have started until this next weekend. But at 3:00 in the afternoon I found out from a friend that it started that evening at 5:00. I panicked a bit, but got most of our teammates called. There were only four of us since the rest of our teammates don’t want to play this session. We knew that ahead of time and have a couple of people in mind to fill the slots, but thought we still had another week to get a hold of them. But even with having to forfeit once match we still won the night. I won my match (yay me!) rather easily. That was a nice birthday present for myself. I’m hoping this session will go good. We shall see. It will be really great if we can actually have people enjoy being there. There were so many that just didn’t seem to enjoy it last season and that just really puts a damper on things. I don’t always want to be there every weekend, but I signed up for it I know what to expect and it’s something I enjoy doing most of the time. It does kind of make me miss my parents though. It was always nice making it a family team thing. Plus my step dad is one of the best players on the league.

Anyway, I’d better get some work done before lunch. Hope everyone has a great week!!


At 12:51 PM , Blogger Andy said...

Glad to hear you had a great birthday.

I hate to tell you, though- it only gets worse from here. If you feel old at 25, you are going to feel positively ancient when the big 3-0 comes around. I turned 31 at the end of November, and I still can't get fathom that I am suddenly such an old fart. It feels like a heartbeat since I was 20 and always partying.

Enjoy your twenties while you've got 'em.

At 3:57 PM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

I really don't want to know what 30 will feel like. Happy birthday to you late by the way!! My hubby turns 32 in April. I think him getting older makes me feel older too. I am now the same age he was when we met. Very weird.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger Helen said...

Happy birthday! I'm heading for 24 this year and it scares me...

At 7:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


(Belated, of course, as I am obviously the slacker of the Blogosphere lately. And it's only going to get worse when I start classes Monday! Sorry :( ).

I'm so glad you had a great birthday and got to enjoy time with your friends and an evening out :).

Take care of yourself, sweetie!

I hope 2009 brings much love, happiness, and peace as you watch your baby grow, Little Dude grow, and keep on living life.

I big, fluffy pink, heart you! And I'm so thankful to have a friend like you in this big, vast, community of bloggers :).


At 11:02 PM , Blogger Girl, Dislocated said...

Happy quite belated birthday!!!

Sorry for the belatedness, I've been late to every blogosphere event lately. (Though being only a week late sorta feels like an accomplishment considering how out of the loop I am :P )

Anyway, I'm glad it was a good one!

At 9:16 AM , Blogger SuvvyGirl said...

Andy: Sad thing is I think I was born an old fart. I've always acted and felt older than I am. It was great when I was a kid and everyone thought i was so it just stinks! :P

Helen: Wait til 25...:}

Amber: got all mushy on me!! Thank you!!! I promise I'll actually come comment on your blog one of these days. I've been reading. I'll trade New Year's memories with you. Yours was way better than mine.

Girl: Glad to hear from you!!! I"ve missed your posts, but I'm glad to know you're still out there. Thanks for the birthday wishes!


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